Motion ******** Constrain ------------- Constrains the translational and rotational :term:`degree of freedom` of the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`. In other words, grounds the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`. Grounded rigid bodies cannot move or rotate. Unconstrain ------------ Unconstrains the translational and rotational :term:`degree of freedom` of the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`. If the :term:`target` is not constrained then this action has no effect. Constrain Rotation ------------------ Constrains the rotational d:term:`degree of freedom` of the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`. In other words, the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body` cannot rotate. Unconstrain Rotation --------------------- Unconstrains the rotational :term:`degree of freedom` of the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`. Move towards ------------- Sets the velocity of the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body` so that the :term:`target` moves toward the specified object. Reverse Horiz. Direction ------------------------- Changes the sign of the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`'s x velocity. If the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`'s x velocity is zero then this action has no effect. Reverse Vert. Direction ------------------------ Changes the sign of the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`'s y velocity. If the :term:`target` :term:`rigid body`'s y velocity is zero then this action has no effect.