
Mekanimo uses Pygame’s mixer module for playing sound files. You can see the full documentation for the mixer module at Sound files can be in OGG (Vorbis) or uncompressed WAV format. If you wish to create your own sound effects we highly recommend Audacity which can be downloaded from

Playing sound

The most common use of sound in Mekanimo is playing sound files when an event triggers an action.

# Play sound when circle1 collides with ANYTHING.
circle1.bind(COLLISION, system.evtHandler, ANYTHING, PLAYSOUND,
             **{'sound': 'bird_chirp1', 'volume': 0.40})

The same sound file can be played programmatically as shown below.

system.playSound(groupName='bird', soundName='chirp1', volume=.4)

You can repeat the sound by providing the optional repeat argument. By default, sound is played with no repetition.

system.playSound(groupName='bird', soundName='chirp1, volume=.4, repeat=1)

If you would like to play a file not included with Mekanimo’s sound library you can use the optional filePath argument.

system.playSound(groupName=None, soundName=None, volume=.4, repeat=3, filePath='c://mySounds//lasergun.wav')

Adding your own sound effects

If you would like to add your sound effects so that they would appear with the Mekanimo’s sound library, you can add your files to the Sounds subdirectory in the installation directory. By convention sound files are named with group name and sound name separated by an underscore.

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