
Collide with

Rigid body

This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with the specified rigid body. Any existing rigid body name or ANYBODY can be specified. If ANYBODY is specified then the condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with any rigid body.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Apply impulse to polygon2 when circle1 collides with rectangle1.
circle1.bind(COLLISION, system.evtHandler, rectangle1, APPLYIMPULSE,
             **{'target': polygon2, 'ix': 10, 'iy': 10, 'bx': 0, 'by': 0})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def applyImpulse(event, source, target):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(COLLISION, applyImpulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2)

Example of specifiying a collision condition with any rigid body (ANYBODY)

# Apply impulse to polygon2 when circle1 collides with any rigid body.
circle1.bind(COLLISION, system.evtHandler, ANYBODY, APPLYIMPULSE,
             **{'target': polygon2, 'ix': 10, 'iy': 10, 'bx': 0, 'by': 0})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def applyImpulse(event, source, target):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(COLLISION, applyImpulse, other=ANYBODY, target=polygon2)

other: Element the bound element needs to collide with in order to trigger the specified action.

target: Optional. Element that action is applied to. If omitted, action is applied to the source.

By specifying the ix, iy, bx, and by values, applyImpulse function can be made more flexible as shown below. This way, the same function can be used by many similar behavior definitions. This keeps the code size smaller and makes maintaining the code easier.

def applyImpulse(event, source, target, ix, iy, bx, by):
    target.applyImpulse(ix, iy, bx, by)

circle1.bind(COLLISION, applyImpulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2,
                ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle2.bind(COLLISION, applyImpulse, other = rectangle2, target=polygon2,
                ix = -5, iy = 5, bx=0, by=0)

Rigid body type

This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with the specified rigid body type. ANYCIRCLE, ANYRECTANGLE, ANYPOLYGON, and ANYBODY are the valid type constants that can be used to specify the type of rigid body that could trigger the given action. If ANYBODY is specified then the condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with any rigid body.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Apply impulse to circle1 when circle1 collides with ANYRECTANGLE.
circle1.bind(COLLISION, system.evtHandler, ANYRECTANGLE, APPLYIMPULSE,
            **{'ix': 5, 'iy': 5, 'bx': 0, 'by': 0})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def applyImpulse(event, source):
    source.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(COLLISION, applyImpulse, other=ANYRECTANGLE)

other: Element the bound element needs to collide with in order to trigger the specified action. We could also use ANYCIRCLE, ANYPOLYGON, or ANYBODY.

target: Optional. Element that action is applied to. If omitted, action is applied to the source.

By specifying the ix, iy, bx, and by values, applyImpulse function can be made more flexible as shown below. This way, the same function can be used by many similar behavior definitions. This keeps the code size smaller and makes maintaining the code easier.

def apply_impulse(event, source, target, ix, iy, bx, by):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(COLLISION, apply_impulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2,
                ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle2.bind(COLLISION, apply_impulse, other = rectangle2, target=polygon2,
                ix = -5, iy = 5, bx=0, by=0)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with the specified wall. system.bottomWall, system.rightWall, system.topWall, system.leftWall, or ANYWALL can be used to define the condition. If ANYWALL is specifed then the condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with any of the four system walls.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Constrain polygon1's rotational motion when polygon1 collides with system.leftWall.
polygon1.bind(COLLISION, system.evtHandler, system.bottomWall, CONSTRAINROTATION)

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def constrain_rotation(event, source, other=system.bottomWall):
    source.fixedRotation = True

polygon1.bind(COLLISION, constrain_rotation, other=system.bottomWall)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with a projectile. This is usually used for shooting games.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Destroy polygon2 when polygon2 collides with PROJECTILE.
polygon2.bind(COLLISION, system.evtHandler, PROJECTILE, DESTROY)

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def destroy(event, source):

polygon2.bind(COLLISION, destroy, PROJECTILE)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with a wall, rigid body or projectile.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Move towards OTHER with vel = 5 when circle1 collides with ANYTHING.
circle1.bind(COLLISION, system.evtHandler, ANYTHING, MOVETOWARDS,
             **{'towards': OTHER, 'velocity': 5})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def move_towards(event, source, velocity):
    #find the object that collided with the source
    body1 = event.shape1.GetUserData()
    body2 = event.shape2.GetUserData()
    if body1 == source:
        towards = body2
        towards = body1

    #find the direction
    direction = pyB2D.b2Vec2(towards.x - source.x, towards.y - source.y)

    #normalize the direction vector

    #multiply it by the velocity magnitude
    velocity_vector = direction * velocity

    source.vx = velocity_vector.x
    source.vy = velocity_vector.y

circle1.bind(COLLISION, move_towards, ANYTHING, velocity=5)


This condition is satisfied when the bound element is in steady contact with the specified element. Similar to the collision event, a rigid body, can be touching another rigid body, rigid body type or wall.

Rigid body

This condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with the specified rigid body. Any existing rigid body name or ANYBODY can be specified. If ANYBODY is specified then the condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with any rigid body.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Set circle2's velocity while circle2 is resting on ANYRECTANGLE.
circle2.bind(TOUCHING, system.evtHandler, ANYRECTANGLE, SETVELOCITY,
         **{'vx': 5, 'vy': 0, 'vr': 0})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def setVelocity(event, source):
    source.vx = 5
    source.vy = 0
    source.vr = 0

circle2.bind(TOUCHING, setVelocity, other=rectangle1)

other: Element the bound element needs to be in steady contact with in order to trigger the specified action.

target: Optional. Element that action is applied to. If omitted, action is applied to the source.

By specifying the ix, iy, bx, and by values, applyImpulse function can be made more flexible as shown below. This way, the same function can be used by many similar behavior definitions. This keeps the code size smaller and makes maintaining the code easier.

def applyImpulse(event, source, target, ix, iy, bx, by):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(TOUCHING, applyImpulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2,
                ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle2.bind(TOUCHING, applyImpulse, other = rectangle2, target=polygon2,
                ix = -5, iy = 5, bx=0, by=0)

Rigid body type

This condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with the specified rigid body type. ANYCIRCLE, ANYRECTANGLE, ANYPOLYGON, and ANYBODY are the valid type constants that can be used to specify the type of rigid body that could trigger the given action. If ANYBODY is specified then the condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with any rigid body.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Apply impulse to polygon2 when circle1 is resting on rectangle1.
circle1.bind(TOUCHING, system.evtHandler, RECTANGLE, APPLYIMPULSE,
             **{'target': polygon2, 'ix': 10, 'iy': 10, 'bx': 0, 'by': 0})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def applyImpulse(event, source, target):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(TOUCHING, applyImpulse, other=ANYRECTANGLE, target=polygon2)

other: Element the bound element needs to be in steady contact with in order to trigger the specified action. In this case we could also use ANYCIRCLE, ANYPOLYGON, or ANYBODY.

target: Element that action is applied to.

By specifying the ix, iy, bx, and by values, applyImpulse function can be made more flexible as shown below. This way, the same function can be used by many similar behavior definitions. This keeps the code size smaller and makes maintaining the code easier.

def apply_impulse(event, source, target, ix, iy, bx, by):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(TOUCHING, apply_impulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2,
                ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle2.bind(TOUCHING, apply_impulse, other = rectangle2, target=polygon2,
                ix = -5, iy = 5, bx=0, by=0)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with the specified wall. system.bottomWall, system.rightWall, system.topWall, system.leftWall, or ANYWALL can be used to define the condition. If ANYWALL is specifed then the condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with any of the four system walls.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Constrain polygon1's rotational motion when polygon1 is resting on the system.leftWall.
polygon1.bind(TOUCHING, system.evtHandler, system.bottomWall, CONSTRAINROTATION)

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def constrain_rotation(event, source, other=system.bottomWall):
    source.fixedRotation = True

polygon1.bind(TOUCHING, constrain_rotation, other=system.bottomWall)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with a projectile. This is usually used for shooting games.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Destroy polygon2 when polygon2 is resting on a PROJECTILE.
polygon2.bind(TOUCHING, system.evtHandler, PROJECTILE, DESTROY)

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def destroy(event, source):

polygon2.bind(TOUCHING, destroy, PROJECTILE)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element is in steady contact with a wall, rigid body or projectile.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Move towards OTHER with vel = 5 when circle1 is resting on ANYTHING.
circle1.bind(TOUCHING, system.evtHandler, ANYTHING, MOVETOWARDS,
             **{'towards': OTHER, 'velocity': 5})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def move_towards(event, source, velocity):
    #find the object that collided with the source
    body1 = event.shape1.GetUserData()
    body2 = event.shape2.GetUserData()
    if body1 == source:
        towards = body2
        towards = body1

    #find the direction
    direction = pyB2D.b2Vec2(towards.x - source.x, towards.y - source.y)

    #normalize the direction vector

    #multiply it by the velocity magnitude
    velocity_vector = direction * velocity

    source.vx = velocity_vector.x
    source.vy = velocity_vector.y

circle1.bind(TOUCHING, move_towards, ANYTHING, velocity=5)


Since the previous example uses pyB2D.b2Vec2 vectors, pyB2D library needs to be imported before pyB2D.b2Vec2 can be used

Disconnect from

This condition is satisfied when the bound element is detached from the specified element. This could occur after a collision or steady contact.

Rigid body

This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with the specified rigid body. Any existing rigid body name or ANYBODY can be specified. If ANYBODY is specified then the condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with any rigid body.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Apply impulse to polygon2 when circle1 collides with rectangle1.
circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, system.evtHandler, rectangle1, APPLYIMPULSE,
             **{'target': polygon2, 'ix': 10, 'iy': 10, 'bx': 0, 'by': 0})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def applyImpulse(event, source, target):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, applyImpulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2)

other: Element the bound element needs to collide with in order to trigger the specified action.

target: Element that action is applied to.

By specifying the ix, iy, bx, and by values, applyImpulse function can be made more flexible as shown below. This way, the same function can be used by many similar behavior definitions. This keeps the code size smaller and makes maintaining the code easier.

def applyImpulse(event, source, target, ix, iy, bx, by):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, applyImpulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2,
                ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle2.bind(DISCONNECT, applyImpulse, other = rectangle2, target=polygon2,
                ix = -5, iy = 5, bx=0, by=0)

Rigid body type

This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with the specified rigid body type. ANYCIRCLE, ANYRECTANGLE, ANYPOLYGON, and ANYBODY are the valid type constants that can be used to specify the type of rigid body that could trigger the given action. If ANYBODY is specified then the condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with any rigid body.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Apply impulse to polygon2 when circle1 collides with rectangle1.
circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, system.evtHandler, RECTANGLE, APPLYIMPULSE,
             **{'target': polygon2, 'ix': 10, 'iy': 10, 'bx': 0, 'by': 0})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def applyImpulse(event, source, target):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, applyImpulse, other=ANYRECTANGLE, target=polygon2)

other: Element the bound element needs to collide with in order to trigger the specified action. In this case we could also use ANYCIRCLE, ANYPOLYGON, or ANYBODY.

target: Element that action is applied to.

By specifying the ix, iy, bx, and by values, applyImpulse function can be made more flexible as shown below. This way, the same function can be used by many similar behavior definitions. This keeps the code size smaller and makes maintaining the code easier.

def apply_impulse(event, source, target, ix, iy, bx, by):
    target.applyImpulse(ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, apply_impulse, other=rectangle1, target=polygon2,
                ix=10, iy=10, bx=0, by=0)

circle2.bind(DISCONNECT, apply_impulse, other = rectangle2, target=polygon2,
                ix = -5, iy = 5, bx=0, by=0)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with the specified wall. system.bottomWall, system.rightWall, system.topWall, system.leftWall, or ANYWALL can be used to define the condition. If ANYWALL is specifed then the condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with any of the four system walls.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Constrain polygon1's rotational motion when polygon1 collides with system.leftWall.
polygon1.bind(DISCONNECT, system.evtHandler, system.bottomWall, CONSTRAINROTATION)

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def constrain_rotation(event, source, other=system.bottomWall):
    source.fixedRotation = True

polygon1.bind(DISCONNECT, constrain_rotation, other=system.bottomWall)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with a projectile. This is usually used for shooting games.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Destroy polygon2 when polygon2 collides with PROJECTILE.
polygon2.bind(DISCONNECT, system.evtHandler, PROJECTILE, DESTROY)

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def destroy(event, source):

polygon2.bind(DISCONNECT, destroy, PROJECTILE)


This condition is satisfied if the bound element collides with a wall, rigid body or projectile.

Automatically generated code (generated by the behavior dialog):

# Move towards OTHER with vel = 5 when circle1 collides with ANYTHING.
circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, system.evtHandler, ANYTHING, MOVETOWARDS,
             **{'towards': OTHER, 'velocity': 5})

Manually created code (equivalent to the automatically generated code shown above):

def move_towards(event, source, velocity):
    #find the object that collided with the source
    body1 = event.shape1.GetUserData()
    body2 = event.shape2.GetUserData()
    if body1 == source:
        towards = body2
        towards = body1

    #find the direction
    direction = pyB2D.b2Vec2(towards.x - source.x, towards.y - source.y)

    #normalize the direction vector

    #multiply it by the velocity magnitude
    velocity_vector = direction * velocity

    source.vx = velocity_vector.x
    source.vy = velocity_vector.y

circle1.bind(DISCONNECT, move_towards, ANYTHING, velocity=5)


Since the previous example uses pyB2D.b2Vec2 vectors, pyB2D library needs to be imported before pyB2D.b2Vec2 can be used