
Similar to the Sprites textures (aka brushes or stipple brushes) are used to enhance the graphics. Unlike sprites, textures are primarily used for static objects. To assign a texture to a rigid body, use the Object Set Texture menu to bring up the available textures sub-menu and select a texture. Almost all of the provided textures in Mekanimo are seamless.

>>> rectangle1.stippleBrush = system.stippleBrushes[('bricks', 'sandy-red')]


Currently the object tree does not provide any nodes for manipulating textures.

Unlike sprites, textures cannot be rotated, scaled, flipped, or drawn with an offset.

Adding your own textures

Mekanimo can use textures in bitmap, jpeg, gif, or png formats. You can create your own textures and add them to the brushes sub-directory in the Mekanimo installation directory.

File naming convention

Textures are named by combining a group name and texture name. If you added a file named bricks_large.png into the brushes directory, this would create a menu item named large under the bricks submenu that can be used to assign a texture.

Removing textures

Textures can be removed from the Object Set Texture menu by selecting No Texture sub menu option or from the Python interpreter as shown below.

>>> rectangle1.stippleBrush = None

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