
Mekanimo records the first 30,000 time-steps’ (frames) results in a Python list called system.timeHistory. This value can be changed from the Python interpreter as shown below.

>>> system.timeHistoryLen = 50000

If you don’t wish to record any values, then you can set the system.recordTimeHistory to False as shown below.

>>> system.recordTimeHistory = False


Once you set the system.recordTimeHistory to False then you cannot display any plots or playback the results.

To be able to post-process the time-history data you can request history output from Output -> Results data (CSV) menu (see Figure 3) by specifying the type/s of output results. Once you select them, Mekanimo creates a comma seperated values text file with the same name as the current model name.


Figure 3: Output request options

In addition, results can be plotted by double clicking on the desired result node from the Object Tree as shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4: Plotting output data

Plotted results can be interactively manipulated from the plot window by zooming, panning, and hovering the cursor on the plot lines to read exact values.

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Running a model

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Recording Video

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