Python InterpreterΒΆ

In addition to GUI, you can interact with Mekanimo from a command prompt via the Python interpreter located at the bottom of the main window (see Figure 1). When you type a command at the interpreter and hit the Enter key, Mekanimo executes the code and responds immediately. Interpreter is a great tool for learning Python or trying new ideas interactively.


Figure 1: python_interpreter

The elements in the system are accessible from the interpreter via Mekanimo’s API (interpreter shares the same namespace).


When you open a new model Mekanimo reinitializes the interpreter’s namespace.

In addition to the current model, Mekanimo’s wxPython based GUI can be accessed via the interpreter as well. To do low level manipulations you can consult wxPython reference at

Python interpreter can be hidden or shown via Window menu (see Figure 2)


Figure 2: Hide/show Python interpreter

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